Dott. Ing. Innocente Lodrini

Graduated at Politecnico in Milan on april the 6th 1979 in Civil Engineering – architectural sectionle (structures), thesis with Prof. Antonio Migliacci, Professor in Structural Projects.
Accredited in the Engineer Register of Brescia at n° 1286 untill 1979.
Enabled for testing all the reinforced concrete structures.
Accredited in the Inspector Register at n° 3571
Enabled to act as Security coordinator in project and execution ex D. Lgs n° 494/96.
Component of Economic Affairs Council of Curia in Brescia from 2009.
Dott. Ing. Alessandro Lodrini

Graduated at University in Brescia on july the 11th 2001 in Civil Engineering, thesis with Prof. Emilio Vian, Professor in Technological Services Project.
Accredited in the Engineer Register of Brescia at n° 3721 from 2002.
Enabled for testing all the reinforced concrete structures.
Enabled to act as Security coordinator in project and execution ex D. Lgs n° 494/96.
Accredited in Consultant Register (CTU) for Courthouse in Brescia.
Accredited as Energy Certifier for Lombardia with n° 30.
Enabled as Energy Certifier for SACERT procedure at n° 363.
Member of Brescia Engineer Register’s Fee Committee from 2006.
Update and training:
Attendance certificate for the course “The New Technical Law in Construction (D.M. 14-1-2008)” of 60 hours promoted by Engineers Register of Brescia in 2009.
Attendance certificate for the course “Analysis Method for the evaluation of the structural safety on existing buildings” of 32 hours promoted by Engineers Register of Brescia in 2011.
Attendance certificate for the course “Geotechnics for professional” of 32 hours promoted by Engineers Register of Brescia in 2011.
Dott. Arch. Marco Lodrini

Graduated at Politecnico in Milan on july the 16th 2003 in Architecture, thesis with Prof. Giancarlo Consonni, Professor in Urban Design.
Accredited in the Architect Register of Brescia n° 2335 from 2005.
Accredited in Consultant Register (CTU) for Courthouse in Brescia.
Vice president of Young Architects Group of Brescia from 2005 till 2008.
Treasurer of Young Architects Group of Brescia in 2009-2012.
President of Young Architects Group of Brescia from 2013.
Delegate of Young Architects Group in GIArch Council – Italian Young Architects National Coordination - from 2009.
Member of these Committee for Brescia Architects Register in 2010-2012: Competitions, Public Administration, Urban Planning.
Member of “Invitations to tender and architecture competitions” working group for Lombardia Consult of Architects Register in 2012-2013.
From 2014 member in these Committee for Brescia Architects Register: Urban Planning, Landscape Cultural Heritage, Culture of the projects.
Update and training:
Attendance certificate for the course “How to accur on Cultural Heritage (landscape and monuments)” of 20 hours, in 2013, organized by Young Architects Group of Brescia with the patronage of Cultural Assets Activities and Tourism Ministry.
Attendance certificate for the “Updating course on Landscape 2014” of 16 hours organized by the Architects Register of Brescia.
- Arch. Federica Bezzi
- Ing. Alessandro Giozani
- Geom. Carlo Gandossi